Angular 14+ standalone components

Angular 14+ standalone components

Greetings, everyone, and welcome to this article about Angular 14+ standalone components. Standalone components represent a novel addition to Angular, enabling the creation of reusable components that don't require an NgModule declaration. This approach enhances code modularity, efficiency, and facilitates sharing across projects.

What exactly are standalone components?

Standalone components are components flagged as "standalone." This specific marker informs the Angular compiler that these components don't need to be declared within an NgModule. While standalone components can import other standalone components and NgModules, they cannot export any dependencies.

Advantages of leveraging standalone components:

  • Modularity: Standalone components can be employed in isolation, eliminating the necessity for an NgModule. This streamlines your codebase, making it more modular and reusable.

  • Efficiency: Standalone components support tree-shaking, which means Angular only loads the components used in your application, enhancing performance.

  • Sharing: Standalone components can be shared across different Angular applications, simplifying the creation of reusable components for multiple projects.

Creating a standalone component is straightforward:

To create a standalone component, simply mark it with the standalone flag, as shown below:

  selector: 'my-standalone-component',
  standalone: true,
export class MyStandaloneComponent {
  // ...

Once created, you can import and utilize your standalone component in your application like any other component.

Utilizing standalone components within NgModule-based applications:

Standalone components can also be incorporated into NgModule-based applications. To do this, simply import the standalone component into your NgModule, like so:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

Once imported into your NgModule, you can use your standalone component just like any other component in your application.

In conclusion:

Standalone components are a potent addition to Angular 14+, promoting code modularity, efficiency, and sharing. If you're developing new Angular components, it's recommended to use the standalone flag whenever applicable.

Additional tips for working with standalone components:

  • Use standalone components for small, reusable elements. For larger components, consider using an NgModule.

  • Combine standalone components with existing NgModule-based libraries or dependencies to leverage the Angular ecosystem.

  • Think about using Angular Elements to export your standalone components as custom elements. This simplifies their usage in other web applications.

I trust this article has been informative. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

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