Angular 15 standalone components

Enterprise web applications make heavy use of Angular because the framework provides answers to many pressing concerns that plague larger development teams, such as "Which styling library do we use?" In our web application, which routing should we implement? And many others besides.
Although this is undeniably a benefit, the stack has grown over the years, which has resulted in some new challenges. For example, the boilerplate code that Angular introduces has become more difficult to manage as time has passed. However, the Angular Dev Team is making tremendous strides toward making it easier to use. Standalone components are one of the trendiest new features, and they shorten the learning curve while also making the entire web app architecture lighter.
Now, let's take a more in-depth look, shall we?
The use of NgModules is something that standalone components intend to cut down on. Because of this, the boilerplate code may be greatly simplified, and the resulting Angular components can be made lighter.
Angular standalone components is currently in the developer preview stage. At this time, we do not recommend incorporating the feature into the code that is used in production. Components that operate independently are anticipated to be stable in Angular 15.
Making a standalone component is a pretty straightforward process: Simply add the standalone: true
attribute to your component. That sums it up nicely.
It is essential to keep in mind that standalone components describe their compilation context by utilizing the imports array. This information is obtained from the modules by ordinary Angular components.
Create standalone components
Head over to your CLI and generate a standalone component using the following command from inside your Angular project:
ng g component example-standalone.component --standalone
The previous command produces a new standalone component; this step is the same as using a normal component in Angular; the only difference is that the --standalone
flag is used instead.
Angular standalone components are a method that shows promise for reducing boilerplate in Angular applications. They are also very well interconnected with the ecosystem that is currently in place. Because standalone components are entirely compatible both upwards and downwards, it is simple to add them to already existing apps without having to deal with significant refactoring concerns. It is highly recommended that you hold off on using the functionality in production until Angular 15 is released; nonetheless, right now is the ideal moment to get started with Angular Standalone components.