Angular 10/9 ngForm, ngNoForm and Template Reference Variables

Angular 10/9 ngForm, ngNoForm and Template Reference Variables

In this quick tutorial, you'll learn how to use NgForm in Angular 10/9 to work with forms. You'll also learn about template reference variables and how you can use them to reference DOM elements or Angular 10 built-in directives (such as ngForm) in your templates.

What is Angular NgForm

So, what is Angular NgForm?

It's simply a directive exported from FormsModule which gets automatically added to all <form> tags in your Angular templates once you import the module.

Behind the curtains, the ngForm directive creates a top-level FormGroup instance and binds it to your <form> tag to enable you to work with the form. For example to access the aggregate form value or check validation status.

How to Access Angular NgForm Using Template Reference Variables

Since the ngForm directive is implicitly added in your <form> tag when you import its parent module (FormsModule) in your application, you don't need to do any configuration to start working with template-based forms.

You can simply get a reference to your form' ngForm directive by exporting it into a local template variable and by using the ngForm directive as the value of the variable (#myForm=ngForm).

Using Angular ngNoForm

If you you want to import FormsModule in your application but want to skip a specific form, you can use the ngNoForm directive which will prevent ngForm from being added to the form.

How to Use NgForm in Your Angular 10 Application by Example

Provided that you have generated an Angular 10 project with Angular CLI and you are ready to start developing your application.

Let's see how you can use the ngForm directive.

First, open the src/app/app.module.ts file and import FormsModule from the @angular/forms package then add it in the imports array of the module metadata (or @NgModule):

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Note: Please note that you can also import FormsModule in a sub-module of your application where you want to use template-based forms not necessarily the main application module.

Now, you have NgForm implicitly active in all <form> tags (unless you add the ngNoForm directive to some specific form).

Next, you need to get a reference to the created ngForm directive in the form you are working with. For this matter, you can use a template reference variable.

What is an Angular Template Reference Variable

Here is the definition of a template reference variables from the official docs:

A template reference variable is often a reference to a DOM element within a template. It can also be a reference to an Angular component or directive or a web component.

You can simply use the hash symbol (#) to create a reference variable in your template which will be only available in that template.

In case you want to reference a directive like ngForm instead of the DOM element where the variable was declared, you simply need to set the value of the variable explicitly to the directive i.e #myForm="ngForm".

Next, you need to create a component. Let's suppose that we need to create a user register component. In your terminal, run:

$ ng generate component register

The component will be automatically added to your module by the Angular CLI.

Open the src/app/register/register.component.html file and add the following template:

<form #myform="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="register(myform)" class="form form-register">
  <label for="register-email">Email</label>

  <input name="email" id="register-email" type="email" placeholder="Email" ngModel required>
  <label for="register-password">Password</label>
  <input name="password" id="register-password" type="password" placeholder="Password" ngModel required>

  <input type="submit" value="Register">

In the example, we declared a template reference variable called myform that references the ngForm directive of the registration form.

Since you can now use the myform template variable everywhere in your template, you can pass it to the register() method bound to the ngSubmit event which will be called when your submit the form.

Using the myform variable, you can access many useful properties of ngForm either in your template or in your component:

  • myform.value: It will provides you with the aggregated form value of all the fields used in your <form> tag,
  • myform.valid: It will provides you with a boolean value indicating if the form is valid or not,
  • myform.touched: It will provides you with a boolean value indicating if the user has entered value at least in one field,
  • myform.submitted: It will provides with a boolean value indicating if the form was submitted.

Next, open the src/app/register/register.component.ts file and add the register() method:

export class RegisterComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {}

  register(form) {

The .value property provides the value of all fields of the form but you can also access the values of individual fields using the controls array:

  register(form: NgForm) {

Note: Don't forget to import NgForm from the @angular/forms package in your component.

Resetting an Angular 10 Form

You can also reset the form using the template variable to the ngForm directive. In you component, add the following method:

 resetForm(form:  NgForm)  {         

We simply call the resetForm() of the ngForm variable.


In this quick tutorial, you have seen how you can use the Angular ngForm directive and template reference variables to work with forms in Angular 10.

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