The Angular 10/9 Router-Outlets: Named and Multiple Outlets (Auxiliary Routes) Example

The Angular 10/9 Router-Outlets: Named and Multiple Outlets (Auxiliary Routes) Example

Throughout this tutorial we'll learn to use named and multiple Router Outlets and auxiliary routes in Angular 10/9

In the previous tutorials, we've seen the basics of the Angular 9 Router. We've seen how to configure the Angular router and how to add routes. If you are just starting with Angular routing then you should first check the following tutorials:

So, you now understand how to add routing to your Angular 10 application to create an SPA (Single Page Application) and also how to link to different routes using RouterLink and RouterLinkActive. You also understand how to use the router outlet (<router-outlet>).

Angular 10 Router Outlet

The Router outlet is a placeholder that gets filled dynamically by Angular, depending on the current router state. In the previous tutorials, we've used the Router outlet to create basic routing. In this tutorial, we'll see advanced uses of the <router-outlet> component such as named, multiple outlets and auxiliary routing.

This is the application we'll be building:

How to Create a Named Router Outlet?

You can create a named Router outlet using the name property of the <router-outlet> component:

<router-outlet  name="outlet1"></router-outlet>

How to Create Multiple Router-Outlets?

You can have multiple outlets in the same template:

<router-outlet  name="sidebar"></router-outlet>  
  • The unnamed outlet is the primary outlet.
  • Except for the primary outlet, all other outlets must have a name.

Adding Multiple Outlets to Our Demo Application

First, you can get the source of our previous example from this repository.

Now, let's add multiple outlets in our AppComponent template. Open src/app/app.component.html and add the following outlets:

<router-outlet  name="sidebar"></router-outlet>  

What is An Auxiliary Route?

A component has one primary route and zero or more auxiliary routes.. Auxiliary routes allow you to use and navigate multiple routes. To define an auxiliary route you need a named router outlet where the component of the auxiliary route will be rendered.

The name that we're giving to the second outlet suggests that the outlet will be used as a sidebar for the app. Now let's create a sidebar component that will be rendered in the sidebar outlet:

ng g component sidebar

We want the sidebar component to be rendered with each other component, in the same time. So we'll add an empty path and a sidebar outlet:

   path: "",
   component: SidebarComponent,
   outlet: "sidebar"

Since we are using an empty path, the sidebar component will be rendered when our application is started.

Navigating Inside Auxiliary Outlets

You can navigate inside an auxiliary outlet by using the outlets property:

router.navigate([{outlets: {primary: 'path' ,sidebar: 'path'}}]);

Or also using the routerLink directive

<a [routerLink]="[{ outlets: { primary: ['path'],sidebar: ['path'] } }]">
    Products List

Primary and Auxiliary Angular 10 Router Outlets by Example

So let's say, we want to render a different sidebar component when the user navigates to the /products URL. This way, the ProductListComponent will be rendered in the primary outlet and in the same time the ProductListSidebarComponent will be rendered in the auxiliary sidebar outlet.

We can easily achieve this scenario by creating the ProductListSidebarComponent component (ng g component ProductListSidebar) and adding the following auxiliary route configuration:

  { path: "products", component: ProductListSidebarComponent, outlet: "sidebar" }

This is the complete routing configuration for our example:

import { RouterModule, Routes } from "@angular/router";
import { ModuleWithProviders } from "@angular/core";
import { ProductListComponent } from "./product-list/product-list.component";
import { ProductDetailComponent } from "./product-detail/product-detail.component";
import { SidebarComponent } from "./sidebar/sidebar.component";
import { ProductListSidebarComponent } from "./product-list-sidebar/product-list-sidebar.component";

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: "products", component: ProductListComponent },
  { path: "product/:id", component: ProductDetailComponent },
    path: "",
    component: SidebarComponent,
    outlet: "sidebar"
    path: "products",
    component: ProductListSidebarComponent,
    outlet: "sidebar"

export const routingModule: ModuleWithProviders = RouterModule.forRoot(routes);

You also need to update the navigation link in our AppComponent:

<a [routerLink]="[{ outlets: { primary: ['products'],sidebar: ['products'] } }]">
    Products List

This says, when the user clicks on the Products List link. Both routes with the /products path will be activated in the primary and auxiliary sidebar outlets.

You need to specify all the outlets where you want the navigation to take place including the primary outlet.


By having primary and auxiliary named outlets, you can implement advanced scenarios by independently rendering multiple components in the same time. You can find the source code of this and previous tutorials in this repository.

In this tutorial we have learned how to use named and multiple Router-Outlets and auxiliary routes in Angular 10.

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