Angular Standalone Components vs. Modules

Angular Standalone Components vs. Modules

Angular modules have been a fundamental part of the framework since its inception. They serve as a means to organize code, encapsulate dependencies, and configure Angular services. However, for smaller to medium-sized applications, modules can introduce complexity and boilerplate code.

Standalone components made their debut in Angular 13 with the aim of simplifying Angular development and reducing boilerplate. Unlike traditional Angular modules, standalone components don't require NgModule files and can be directly imported and used in any part of an application.

Advantages of Standalone Components

  • Reduced Boilerplate: Standalone components eliminate the need for creating and managing NgModule files, offering significant time and effort savings, particularly for smaller applications.

  • Enhanced Readability: Standalone components are self-contained and do not rely on external dependencies, making them easier to comprehend and maintain.

  • Effective Tree-Shaking: Standalone components can be more efficiently tree-shaken, resulting in reduced bundle sizes for production applications.

When to Opt for Standalone Components

Standalone components are an excellent choice for most new Angular applications. They are particularly well-suited for small and medium-sized projects and applications that follow the Single Component Angular Module (SCAM) pattern.

When to Stick with Modules

Modules remain indispensable in certain scenarios, such as:

  • Bootstrapping an Angular application.
  • Implementing lazy loading for components and routes.
  • Dynamically instantiating components during runtime.


Standalone components offer several advantages over traditional modules, including reduced boilerplate, improved code readability, and better tree-shaking capabilities. However, modules are still essential for specific use cases.

So, which should you choose?

For new Angular applications, it's recommended to default to standalone components. Modules can be incorporated when needed, but they should generally be avoided for most components.

If you're maintaining an existing Angular application that relies on modules, there's no urgency to migrate to standalone components. However, consider using standalone components for any new components you create to leverage their benefits.

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