Create New Angular 9 Workspace and Application: Using Build and Serve

Create New Angular 9 Workspace and Application: Using Build and Serve

In this article, we'll quickly see how to use the Angular CLI to initialize a new workspace and create an application then we'll see how to use the serve and build commands to serve your app locally using a live-reload development server and build the final production bundles which have seen a big decrease in size starting with Angular 9.

Before creating a new Angular 9 workspace and application, we first need to install the latest version of Angular CLI v9 using the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli

If ypu already have the CLI installed, run the following command to ensure you have the latest version installed:

 ng version

Creating a New Angular 9 Workspace

We are now ready to create a new workspace using the following command:

ng new ng9-workspace --create-application=false 

We simply call the ng new command with one option:

  • --create-application=false which instructs the CLI to initialize an empty workspace with only configuration files and no application. You can add more than one application and many libraries.

Creating a New Angular 9 App

After initializing a new workspace, you can add a new application using the following command:

ng generate application my-app-name

You’ll be presented with a few questions:

? Would you like to add Angular routing? No
? Which stylesheet format would you like to use? CSS

Serving your Angular App

After creating the application, you can run the follow application to serve it locally using a live-reload development server:

ng serve

You can then simply open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/ to see the app running.

Building your Angular App

After you have finished developing your app, you can build the production version using the following command:

ng build --prod

We'll get a list of generated files.

As you can see, for each file, we have two versions. One version for legacy browsers, and the other for browsers that support ES2015.

Of of the features of Angular 9 is the smaller bundle size. According to the Angular team, large apps can have a decrease of up to 40% in size.

For small apps you may not notice a big decrease in bundle size.

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