Blazor WebAssembly Logging: Console Log Example

In JavaScript, you can log debug information on the browser's console using the famous console.log()
method and similiar methods such as
and console.warn()
. How can you achieve the same thing with Blazor WebAssembly?
We have many ways such as using the C# Console.WriteLine()
If you are creating a Blazor server app, you'll get the output in the input window, but for Blazor WebAssembly, you'll get the output in the browser´s console. This is an example from the previous article:
Logging with Console.WriteLine
@page "/consolewriteline"
<button @onclick="@onClick"> Check Runtime </button>
@code {
protected IJSRuntime ijsRuntime { get; set; }
private void onClick()
var isWebAssembly = this.ijsRuntime is IJSInProcessRuntime;
Console.WriteLine("The app is running on WebAssembly");
Console.WriteLine("The app is running on sever-side");
Logging Using JavaScript' console.log()
Since Blazor WebAssembly supports JavaScript interop. You can use JavaScript methods such as console.log()
from helper methods in C#.
For example:
@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime
<button @onclick=OnButtonClick>Log</button>
private async Task OnButtonClick()
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("console.log", "Hello Blazor!");
We first inject IJSRuntime
using @Inject
. Next, we call the InvokeVoidAsync()
method and we pass as the first parameter the name of the JavaScript method to call, in our case it's the console.log()
and as a second parameter the any parameter we want to pass to the JavaScript method.
This is equivalent to console.log("Hello Blazor!")
Blazor Logging Framework
Blazor provides a logging framework using the ILogger, ILogger, ILoggerFactory and ILoggerProvider interfaces.
First, we need to inject Logger
or ILogFactory
as follows:
@inject ILogger Logger;
@inject ILoggerFactory LoggerFactory
Next, we can use the logging methods such as:
In this article, we learned how to log debug information on the browser's console in Blazor WebAssembly.