Blazor WebAssembly Logging: Console Log Example

Blazor WebAssembly Logging: Console Log Example

In JavaScript, you can log debug information on the browser's console using the famous console.log() method and similiar methods such as and console.warn(). How can you achieve the same thing with Blazor WebAssembly?

We have many ways such as using the C# Console.WriteLine() method.

If you are creating a Blazor server app, you'll get the output in the input window, but for Blazor WebAssembly, you'll get the output in the browser´s console. This is an example from the previous article:

Logging with Console.WriteLine

@page "/consolewriteline"

<button @onclick="@onClick"> Check Runtime </button>

@code {

    protected IJSRuntime ijsRuntime { get; set; }

    private void onClick()
        var isWebAssembly = this.ijsRuntime is IJSInProcessRuntime;

           Console.WriteLine("The app is running on WebAssembly");
            Console.WriteLine("The app is running on sever-side");


Logging Using JavaScript' console.log()

Since Blazor WebAssembly supports JavaScript interop. You can use JavaScript methods such as console.log() from helper methods in C#.

For example:

@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime

<button @onclick=OnButtonClick>Log</button>

    private async Task OnButtonClick()
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("console.log", "Hello Blazor!");

We first inject IJSRuntime using @Inject. Next, we call the InvokeVoidAsync() method and we pass as the first parameter the name of the JavaScript method to call, in our case it's the console.log() and as a second parameter the any parameter we want to pass to the JavaScript method. This is equivalent to console.log("Hello Blazor!").

Blazor Logging Framework

Blazor provides a logging framework using the ILogger, ILogger, ILoggerFactory and ILoggerProvider interfaces.

First, we need to inject Logger or ILogFactory as follows:

@inject ILogger Logger;
@inject ILoggerFactory LoggerFactory

Next, we can use the logging methods such as:



In this article, we learned how to log debug information on the browser's console in Blazor WebAssembly.

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