Create Angular 17 Project

Create Angular 17 Project

Creating an Angular project involves several steps, including installing the necessary tools, setting up the project structure, and configuring dependencies. Below is a comprehensive tutorial on how to create an Angular project from scratch.


  • Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine. You can download and install them from Node.js website.
  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  1. Open your terminal: Launch your preferred terminal application (e.g., Command Prompt, PowerShell, Git Bash).

  2. Navigate to your desired project directory: Use the cd command to move to the location where you want to create your project. If you want to put it in your user directory, you can type cd ~.

  3. Run the Angular CLI command: To generate a new Angular 17 project with interactive prompts, execute the following command:

   ng new my-angular-project --preserve-symlinks --strict --cypress=false --service-worker=false --style=scss --routing=true --skip-install

Replace my-angular-project with your desired project name. Customize the options if needed:

  • --preserve-symlinks: Keep symbolic links in the node_modules folder, which can be helpful for development workflows.
  • --strict: Enable stricter type checking for better code quality.
  • --cypress=false: Exclude Cypress integration testing if you don't need it.
  • --service-worker=false: Don't enable the service worker by default (you can add it later if required).
  • --style=scss: Use SCSS as the preprocessor for styling.
  • --routing=true: Set up routing for navigation within your application.
  • --skip-install: Skip automatic installation of dependencies, allowing you to install them later (e.g., using a specific version manager).

Note that some options (like --update-schematics) are now handled differently in Angular 17, so refer to the documentation for available options.

  1. Answer the prompts: The CLI will ask you a series of questions about your project's features:
  • Would you like to add Angular routing? (Select Yes if you want to create routes for different parts of your application.)
  • Which stylesheet format would you like to use? (Select SCSS if you chose that option earlier.)
  • What type of unit testing framework would you like to use? (Choose Jasmine or Karma, or None if you don't need them initially.)
  • Would you like to enable branchless Hot Module Replacement (HMR)? (Select Yes if you want it for real-time code changes without full reloads.)

You can customize these choices based on your preferences and project requirements.

  1. Install dependencies (if skipped): If you used --skip-install, run npm install in your project directory to install the necessary packages.

  2. Start the development server: Run ng serve to launch the Angular development server. Your application will usually be accessible at http://localhost:4200 in your web browser.

Additional options (advanced):

  • If you don't want interactive prompts, you can provide options directly in the ng new command:
   ng new my-angular-project --routing=true --style=scss --strict --skip-install
  • For more advanced project configurations or customizing the generated files, refer to the Angular CLI documentation and schematics:

Further guidance:

  • Once you have a basic project structure, begin developing your application's components, services, modules, and routing.
  • Explore the numerous tutorial resources and examples available for Angular 17 to learn and build more complex applications.
  • Utilize community support forums and Stack Overflow if you encounter issues or need assistance.

I hope this comprehensive guide empowers you to successfully create and develop your Angular 17 project!

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