How do I undo git add before commit?

To undo a git add before a commit, you can use the git restore command and specify the file you want to unstage. For example:
git restore --staged path/to/file
This will unstage the file, but it will not modify the file itself. If you want to both unstage the file and discard any changes you made to it, you can use the --worktree option:
git restore --staged --worktree path/to/file
This will unstage the file and discard any changes you made to it in your working directory.
Alternatively, you can also use the git reset command to unstage a file. The reset command is more powerful than restore, as it can be used to discard commits as well as unstage files. To unstage a file using reset, use the following command:
git reset path/to/file
This will unstage the file, but it will not modify the file itself. If you want to both unstage the file and discard any changes you made to it, you can use the --hard option:
git reset --hard path/to/file
This will unstage the file and discard any changes you made to it in your working directory. Be careful when using the --hard option, as it discards all changes made to the file since the last commit.
Let me explain a little more about git restore and git reset.
git restore is used to undo changes to the staging area (i.e., unstage files). It does not modify the working directory or the project's history. By default, git restore only modifies the staging area and leaves the working directory unchanged. However, if you use the --worktree option, git restore will also discard any changes you made to the file in your working directory.
git reset is a more powerful command that can be used to undo commits as well as unstage files. When you use git reset, you can specify a commit or a file. If you specify a commit, git reset will move the branch pointer to the specified commit, effectively discarding all commits that came after it. If you specify a file, git reset will unstage the file, just like git restore. By default, git reset only modifies the staging area and leaves the working directory unchanged. However, if you use the --hard option, git reset will also discard any changes you made to the file in your working directory.
It's important to note that both git restore and git reset are permanent and cannot be undone. Once you use either command, the changes you discard cannot be recovered.
I hope this helps clarify the difference between git restore and git reset. Let me know if you have any more questions!