How to Install Laravel 7 On Ubuntu, Windows and macOS

How to Install Laravel 7 On Ubuntu, Windows and macOS

Laravel 7 is released on March, 2020 and you can start using it for building your new project or upgrade your existing Laravel project to this version.

Starting with Laravel 6, Laravel follows semver i.e a new major version will be released every six months.

How to Install Laravel 7?

In this post, we'll see how to install the latest Laravel 7 version.

If you go to packagist, and search for โ€œlaravel/laravelโ€ packages, you should see a version named dev-develop. This the package that you can use for installing Laravel 7 at this time.

Please note that Laravel 7 requires PHP 7.2.5+

Make sure you have the required PHP version and Composer installed on your machine, next open a new command-line interface and run the following command:

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel-7-example 

Wait for Composer to download the project's files and any php dependencies and run the following commands to start a development server:

$ cd laravel-7-example  
$ php artisan serve

Laravel 7 comes with many new features such as:

  • Laravel Airlock
  • Custom Eloquent Casts
  • Blade Component Tags & Improvements
  • HTTP Client
  • Route Caching Speed Improvements, etc.

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