How to add a Greeting text for Facebook messenger bot

How to add a Greeting text for Facebook messenger bot

On the previous posts ,we have seen how to add a Get started button to messenger bot and how to add a persistent menu .On this tutorial we are going to see another option to customize your bot using a personalized and localized greeting text .

The greeting text is only shown on the first interaction of a user with the bot ,you can use it to tell or introduce the bot to users .

The greeting text is local aware which means that you can add multiple greeting texts ,one for each local and a greeting text for the default local which will be set if no greeting text is matching the user's local .

How to add a greeting text to messenger bots ?

So now after ,we have seen where and when greeting texts are used ,how can we add a greeting text to a messenger bot ?

To set a greeting text we just need to send a Post request to your messenger profile url with your page access token

So using a curl

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "text":"Greeting text for default local !"
    }, {
    "text":"Greeting text for en_US local !"
}' ""    

Replace PAGEACCESSTOKEN with your generated page access token .

If the operation is successful you'll get the following response


On the same way you can delete the greeting text using a DELETE request .

So again using curl

curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
}' ""    

How to personalize greeting text ?

You can add a bit of personalization to your greeting text using user's name via three template strings

For example

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "text":"Welcome !"
}'  ""    

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