Use Geolocation in Ionic 5/Angular Apps with Ionic Native 5

Use Geolocation in Ionic 5/Angular Apps with Ionic Native 5

In this tutorial, we are going to build a simple example application with Ionic 5 and Angular which shows you how to use the geolocation native feature of mobile devices.

Getting Started with Ionic 5 App

Let's get started!

The tutorial assumes you have already installed Node.js and NPM and also the Ionic framework v5.

If you want to build the app for Android or iOS you have to install the required SDKs.

Unlike the majority of device native features,Geolocation can be tested without using a real mobile device.

By just testing your app with ionic serve on the browser you can work with Geolocation. That's because modern browsers implement the HTML5 Geolocation API so Ionic can emulate the native Geolocation of a real mobile device.

Create an Ionic 5/Angular Project

If you have everything installed, open up your terminal under Linux/macOS or your command prompt under Windows and generate a new Ionic 5 based on Angular project:

ionic start ionic-native-geolocation blank --type=angular

Next, navigate to your project folder:

cd ionic-native-geolocation

If you have not yet installed Cordova, you need to install it using the following command:

npm install -g cordova

Next, add the target platform to your project:

ionic platform add android

We can also add iOS but since we are developing on Ubuntu we can't target iOS. If you are using a MAC, you can add the iOS platform too:

ionic platform add ios 

Adding the Geolocation Plugin

Next you need to add the Geolocation plugin using:

ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation

Importing and Using the Geolocation API

Now to use the Geolocation API you have to import it from the ionic-native module so go ahead and open the home.ts file or wherever you want to your code for accessing Geolocation features and add this line of code:

import { Geolocation } from 'ionic-native';

Here is an example of MyApp component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
import { Geolocation } from 'ionic-native';
import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home';

template: '<ion-nav [root]="rootPage"></ion-nav>'
export class MyApp {

rootPage: any = HomePage;

constructor(platform: Platform) {

    platform.ready().then(() => {

        Geolocation.getCurrentPosition().then((data) => {
            console.log('My latitude : ', data.coords.latitude);
            console.log('My longitude: ', data.coords.longitude);


Make sure you add any code for accessing native features such as Geolocation inside platform.ready() method.

Serving your Ionic 5 Geolocation App

After serving this app using:

ionic serve

You'll get your current latitude and longitude coordinates on the browser console.


In this tutorial, we've seen how to use Geolocation with Ionic 5, Ionic Native 5, and Angular.

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