MyCLI: A MySQL CLI Based on Python with Auto-completion and Syntax Highlighting

If you prefer to work with MySQL via its command-line interface, you'll like mycli which is a CLI tool with auto-completion and syntax highlighting built on top of Python and prompt_toolkit for building interactive command line applications with Python.
It is cross-platform and it is tested on Linux, MacOS and Windows.
According to the official website:
mycli is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- Python 2.7 or Python 3.4+.
How to Install MyCLI?
Supposed you have Python and pip installed, open a new terminal and run the following command:
$ pip install mycli
Check out the official website for instructions on how to install MyCLI on the other platforms.
You can check the source code of this tool on GitHub.