TypeORM FullText Search

TypeORM FullText Search

In this short article, we'll see how to use the builtin full-text search in MySQL and PostgreSQL databases with TypeORM.

If you need to search all values that have a particular word or phrase in a SQL database table with Typeorm, here is a quick example.

Let's say we have a User entity:

import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm";

export class User {

    id: number;

    fullName: string;

    username: string;

    description: string;

This will correspond to a SQL table with the id, fullName, username and description columns.

MySQL FUll-Text Search with MATCH ... AGAINST

If you want to use the MySql fulltext feature, you need to create a fulltext index with @Index({ fulltext: true }) and use query builder to build a query with SQL syntax.

First, you need to modify the User entity as follows:

import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Index } from "typeorm";

export class User {

    id: number;

    @Index({ fulltext: true })
    fullName: string;

    @Index({ fulltext: true })
    username: string;

    @Index({ fulltext: true })
    description: string;

Next, you need to use the following query:

import { getRepository } from "typeorm";
import { User } from "./User";

const searchUsers = (args: any) => {
     const { searchQuery } = args;
     const userRepository = getRepository(User);

     return userRepository.createQueryBuilder().select()
       .where(`MATCH(fullName) AGAINST ('${searchQuery}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)`)
       .orWhere(`MATCH(username) AGAINST ('${searchQuery}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)`)
       .orWhere(`MATCH(description) AGAINST ('${searchQuery}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)`)

This will search for the specified search text in the fullName, username or description columns using the MATCH() ... AGAINST syntax.

Check out Full-Text Search Functions

PostgreSQL FUll-Text Search

For Postgres, you can use the ILIKE expression as follows:

import { getRepository } from "typeorm";
import { User } from "./User";

const searchUsers = (args: any) => {
     const { searchQuery } = args;
     const userRepository = getRepository(User);

     return userRepository.createQueryBuilder().select()
       .where('fullName ILIKE :searchQuery', {searchQuery: `%${searchQuery}%`})
       .orWhere('username ILIKE :searchQuery', {searchQuery: `%${searchQuery}%`})
       .orWhere('description ILIKE :searchQuery', {searchQuery: `%${searchQuery}%`})

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